I've so been dreading the day that I knew would come. I knew that working would make me miss some important moment in my little girl's life..some "first" that only happens once, and no matter how hard I try, can never be recaptured. Well, today was that day.
I pulled into the driveway this afternoon like normal. This is always the best part of my day because I can almost always guarantee that when I walk in the door, Lili will either be in her swing or Eric's arms waiting for me. Today was no different. I walked in the door to find her swinging happily..then came Eric's words: "She laughed today!" I felt my heart smile, but on the outside I kind of wanted to cry. I missed it. I've heard cooing, and oohs and ahs..but nothing that was unmistakably a laugh. I missed it..It's ridiculous, but I'm crying as I sit beside her typing this. At least her Daddy was there to hear it..a fact which I can't help but resent a little bit. I want more than anything to be at home with this little girl..to watch her grow and teach her. Instead, Eric gets to be with her. I am thankful that one of us is with her instead of sending her to daycare to be watched by strangers..I thank God that things worked out this way, and I have to keep reminding myself when things get frustrating that this must all be part of His plan. I don't completely understand this plan, but I guess I'm not really supposed to..I'm just supposed to trust it. (Lord, I'm trying.)
On a related note, Easter was great. We went to church, Lili met her Uncle Albert for the first time, we had a mini "egg hunt", and ate lunch with wonderful family and friends..followed by great times with Phil and Sarah and the Wii.
I know this has been a very scattered blog..but that's kind of how I feel right now. I'm very scattered, emotional, and trying very hard to stay positive. I'd appreciate any prayers you could offer.